I’d never even tried pecan pie when I made this, and here I am now, many a pecan pie later. I’d say I did a pretty good job to be fair.


2 tbsp oat flour
1 heaped tbsp vanilla whey protein powder
1 tbsp sugar or sweetener
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp yogurt
Splash water or milk

1 tbsp pecan butter
1 tbsp cream cheese
1 tbsp agave or maple syrup
Sprinkle cloves
Sprinkle cinnamon
Sprinkle nutmeg

Roasted pecans (to top)


  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C

  2. Make pecan butter by blending up roasted pecans (roasted for 10-12 mins) in a food processor (however many you want) with a big pinch of salt until they form a paste

  3. To a small bowl, add 1 tbsp pecan butter and 1 tbsp cream cheese, along with the spices and syrup. Mix until smooth and adjust to taste

  4. Make your crust by adding all the dry ingredients, then adding a splash of water and yogurt. Mix until it forms a not too wet cake batter.

  5. Transfer into an oven proof dish and add the cream cheese mix to the centre

  6. Top with pecans and bake for 15 mins

  7. Turn the oven up to 200°C and bake for a further 2 mins

Notes + Variations:

You can use vegan or whey protein in these, if you have it - it will just change the texture from cakey to doughy. If you don’t have protein powder, no stress - just sub for wholemeal self raising flour and some sugar, or half a mashed banana :P.


Breakfast chocolate fudge brownie with peanut butter froyo


Chocolate and Hazelnut cookies and cream parfait