Molten chocolate and custard baked oats
I know I have a tendency to say this about all of my recipes, but I’m really serious when I say, this is up there with the top 3 baked oats for me. It REALLY really tastes like chocolate pudding with warm custard.
Isn’t it scary how easy it is to recreate things for breakfast? Message me if you think of any desserts you want making breakfasty - I’m naming myself an expert at it now.
2 heaped tbsp oat flour
1 tbsp chocolate whey protein powder
1 tbsp cacao
1 tbsp sugar, or sweetener of choice
100ml hot water
1/2 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
2 tbsp custard
Preheat the oven to 170°C
Mix the oat flour and protein powder together in a small bowl, with the baking powder with a pinch of salt
Add the cocoa powder to one side, and the sugar to the other, pour some hot water over the cocoa powder and start to mix everything together
Add more of the water bit by bit until you have a cake batter
Add 3/4 the batter to a small ovenproof bowl or ramekin, then add 2 tbsp custard to the centre, and add the remaining batter on top
Bake for 8-10 minutes, or until cooked all through
Remove and leave to sit for 3-4 mins
Add some more custard to the top, sprinkle with chocolate or cacao nibs and serve
Notes + Variations:
You can use any custard in the centre. The one I used was so so so good.
You could also sub the custard out for 1 tbsp cream cheese, vanilla, and syrup to taste.