Mini glazed strawberry tarts
This is so nostalgic for me. My grandparents used to get these for us EVERY weekend from a bakery in the Lake District, and they’ll forever be one of my favourite sweet treats for that reason.
I made mini versions, which are not quite the typical pastry, and have much more feel-good ingredients, so you can eat these in your working days, and still feel good and fuelled by them.
They only take about 20-30 mins to make, so not too bad if you’re after a bit of afternoon baking.
Recipe, makes 4 mini ones
4 tbsp smooth cashew butter
4 heaped tbsp flour
2 tbsp sugar
Pinch salt
3-4 tbsp water - you want to use as little as possible to get a pastry
180g plain cream cheese
2-3 tbsp maple syrup or icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
16 small strawberries
1 tbsp honey or sugar syrup
For the pastry, mix your cashew butter, flour, sugar, a pinch of salt with a spoon.
Begin to work the mixture with your fingertips, like any shortcrust pastry.
Use your fingertips to rub the ingredients together, until you’re left with the consistency of breadcrumbs.
Once you have the texture of breadcrumbs, add 1 tbsp water at a time, working the mixture together with your hands, until you have a dough that’s crumbly, but comes together well.
Preheat your oven to 180°C.
Split your dough into 4, then press into each hole of your cupcake tray.
Press down, leaving the pastry at about 1/2cm thickness at the base , and around the edges.
Make sure the edges are clean, and discard of any excess pastry.
Prick the base of all 4 pastry cups with a fork, then make for 15-20 minutes, or until the pastry has started to turn golden brown and crisped up.
Whilst your pastry bakes, mix your cream cheese, sugar/ syrup and vanilla in a bowl, until smooth. Adjust to taste, then set aside.
Remove your pastry cases from the oven, and leave to cool for 5-10 minutes.
Remove your pastry cases from the tin and set onto a plate.
Add 1 tsp your cream cheese mixture to the centre of each case, then smooth out.
Slice the tops off all your strawberries, then leave 4 whole, and slice the rest in half, flat side down.
Add 1 strawberry to the centre of each pastry, then place 5 of the strawberry halves round the edge of that strawberry, so the whole base is covered.
Repeat with each tart, then brush honey or sugar syrup over each strawberry and serve.
Keep in the fridge for up to 3 days in an airtight container.
Notes + Variations:
You could use any berry for this, and make them with real cream cheese, or vegan cream cheese. If you’re using a vegan one, use nush - it’s the most neutral flavoured, and most versatile.