It's the BEST time of the year, but I do hate mince pies (sorry). However, these were very very good. There’s no mincemeat involved in this, but you can replace the raisins with mincemeat to get this closer to the real deal.
It’s a super quick, wintery breakfast, packed full of fibre & protein to keep you full, and it only takes 20 mins to make.


3 tbsp oat flour
1 tbsp vanilla whey protein (if using vegan protein, sub 1 tbsp oat flour for 1 tbsp self raising flour)
1/3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp mixed spice
Sprinkle cinnamon
Milk until you’ve got the texture of cake batter
Handful raisins
Pinch salt

Chopped raisins/ mixed dried fruits
Handful flaked almonds

2 tbsp cream cheese
1 tbsp maple syrup
1/6th tsp vanilla pod beans or 1/2 tsp vanilla
Splash milk, until you have a custard consistency
Tiny sprinkle nutmeg


  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C.

  2. Mix everything for the baked oats together in an ovenproof bowl.

  3. Clean the edges, then top with flaked almonds and chopped raisins.

  4. Bake for 12-15 minutes until risen, and the top has started to go golden brown.

  5. In the mean time, mix your ‘custard’ ingredients together, mixing well to ensure there are no lumps of cream cheese.

  6. Microwave for 2 minutes, in intervals of 30 seconds, stirring in between, to make sure it doesn’t curdle. Adjust to taste.

  7. Once your baked oats are golden brown and risen, microwave for 1 minute, to ensure they’re cooked through.

  8. Leave to rest for a couple of minutes, then pour over your custard and serve.

Notes + Variations:

As I said, you can sub the raisins out for mincemeat, to make these more mince pie flavoured. My mum makes her own, but I know you can buy it in jars.


Cookie Monster nice cream


Pumpkin spiced oats