Meal prepped yoghurt pots

I present to you, the ideal on the go breakfast or snack. Make these at the beginning of the week and dip into them.


1 tbsp vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp smooth nut butter (I used peanut)
1 tsp syrup
If needed: a tiiiiny splash of milk, to bind the cookie into a dough

4 tbsp greek yogurt
Splash vanilla extract
Optional: splash of syrup to sweeten

1/2 apple, cut into cubes
Peanut butter


  1. If you want your apple to be cooked, do that now - dice your apple, then add to a saucepan with a splash of water, 1 tsp syrup, and some cinnamon. Cover with a lid and leave on medium-low heat to cook whilst you make the rest. Alternatively, you can just use raw apple - this does add a nice crunch.

  2. Mix all the ingredients for the cookie together in a bowl, then once a dough has formed, place it on a microwave-safe plate, lined with parchment paper, flattening out until it’s about 1-1.5cm thick (try and make it the same circumference as the pot you’re serving it in too.

  3. Microwave your cookie at 600W for about 2 minutes, or until it has risen and looks slightly crumbly - you may need to adjust its position after 1 minute, so it cooks through evenly.

  4. Leave your cookie to cool.

  5. Mix your cream together, then add it to your serving pot/ bowl.

  6. Top with your cookie, and your cooked apple.

  7. Leave in the fridge for up to 30 minutes, or overnight, then sprinkle with cinnamon, and top with a drizzle of peanut butter to serve.

Notes + Variations:

Use any flavour of protein, and any nut butter you fancy here. I just picked what I know works well together.




Chocolate chip cookie in a pot