Honey roasted nut smoothie
My sister actually came up with this idea, and begged me to make it for about 3 months, so here it is.
To be fair to her, it actually came out very very good.
I made my own honey roasted nuts, but you can just use store bought if needed.
4 tbsp honey
Splash water
1 cup peanuts - or any other nuts you want to use
4-6 ice cubes
1 banana
30g vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp yogurt
1 cup milk
1 tsp honey
1 tsp peanut butter
1 tbsp your honey roasted peanuts
If you’re making the peanuts from scratch, preheat the oven to 180°C.
For the peanuts, add your honey and a splash of water to a frying pan, putting on medium heat, until the mixture starts to bubble slightly and reduce.
Add your peanuts once the honey has started to thicken again, leaving on medium heat & stirring quite often, to make sure all the peanuts are covered.
Leave the peanuts on the heat for a couple of minutes, or until there’s no water left, and the nuts are coated and start sticking together.
Pour the nuts onto a lined baking tray & spread out as evenly as possible, and sprinkle with salt.
Bake for 10 minutes, then stir around and bake for another 10.
Remove the nuts from the oven and leave to cool on the side.
Once the nuts have cooled down significantly, add them to a blender with the rest of the smoothie ingredients and blend until smooth.
Adjust to taste, then serve in a glass with peanut butter & some of your roasted nuts.
Notes + Variations:
Literally use any nuts you want in this. Forest feast sell some amazing ones, which actually sparked the idea for this.