You can do this as many ways as you want.

I used to make a loaf of banana bread every week, and have it for my breakfast and snacks.
I know it’s normally seen as cake, but if you make it with wholemeal flour, and top it with the right things, it makes such a good satisfying meal in the morning, and gives you loads of energy.

All you need…

Banana bread/ any other breakfast loaf you want
Yoghurt - use a higher protein one if you can, so you stay full
Nuts/ nut butter of choice
Fruit of choice
Something crunchy to top e.g granola/ seeds

What I do

  1. Toast a thicccc slice of banana bread

  2. Top with a generous dollop of yoghurt

  3. Top with chopped fruit of choice & nut butter

  4. Add something crunchy - I love nuts & seeds, but you could do granola too.

Notes + Variations:

You don’t even have to do this with banana bread, you can literally just do it with bread, or any other loaves.


Quick mezze tea


On the go egg bites