Truffle cream udon noodles

I saw a super creamy truffle udon soup on instagram - this is absolutely not it, but that did spark the idea.
P.S. PLEASE don’t miss the tofu out. It was SO tasty.

Recipe, makes enough for 2;

1/2 block silken tofu
2 tbsp truffle oil
1 1/2 tsp miso
Splash soy milk
Big pinch of salt
Lemon juice to taste
2 servings udon noodles

- Steamed/ roasted veggies of choice (mushrooms would be good & I used mange tout)
- 1/2 pack tofu + sesame oil + soy sauce + vinegar
- 1 soy egg or a boiled egg


  1. Add all the truffle cream ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth - adjust to taste.

  2. Steam your veggies, then season, and drizzle with soy sauce and sesame oil.

  3. If you’ve not got pre prepped soy eggs (that’s what I used), boil an egg for 7 minutes, then cool immediately and peel to stop it cooking. Slice in half ready to served.

  4. Whilst your veggies are steaming, heat 2 tbsp sesame oil in a pan on medium heat, then add your chopped protein of choice.

  5. Allow to fry on each side for 2-3 mins until golden brown, then pour over 4 tbsp soy sauce, and 2 tbsp vinegar - season with Salt and pepper and leave to simmer whilst you cook your noodles.

  6. Add your noodles to a pan of boiling water, cook for 1-2 minutes until soft, then drain and add back to the pan.

  7. Pour your truffle cream over the noodles, then stir well and adjust to taste.

  8. Add your noodles to a bowl, add your steamed veggies, your tofu, and half a boiled egg to each bowl.

  9. Top with sesame seeds and chopped spring onions and serve.

Notes + Variations:

Use any noodles for this, and you can sub the tofu out for salmon, or chicken if you fancy it.


Picnic bars


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