Prep time 10 mins
Cook time 20 mins

This is genuinely one of my FAVOURITE meals, which I always ALWAYS forget about.
I adapted this from an Ottolenghi taquito recipe, which is one of my favourite dinners, but this is done in a much simpler way.

It’s super light, filled with protein, and they’re a very good thing to meal prep if you’re going to be busy in the week.

Recipe, serves 1-2

170g raw king prawns
1/4 cup corn
1/2 tsp chipotle chilli flakes
2 spring onions, broken into pieces
1 clove garlic, while
Salt and pepper
Rind of 1/2 lime
4 small corn tortillas

1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp tajin
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp cumin
4 tbsp vegetable oil

Spring onions
Optional: sour cream


  1. To a blender, add your prawns with the rest of the taco filling ingredients, blending until you have a paste.

  2. Add 4 corn tortillas to a piece of foil, which is the size of the base of your air fryer (if 4 won’t fit, you’ll have to do 2 at once).

  3. Spread an even amount of the filling across 1/2 of each of the tacos, spreading out, then folding your taco closed.

  4. Add 4 tbsp vegetable oil to a small pot, adding all the oil spices & mixing well.

  5. Brush oil over each of your tacos, on both sides, then add to the air fryer at 160°C, baking for 12 minutes.

  6. Flip the tacos over after 12 minutes, baking for another 12 on the other side.

  7. Whilst the tacos cook - prep your toppings. We used sliced spring onions, coriander, tajin & guacamole, but you could use salsa and sour cream too.

  8. Remove the tacos from the air fryer, plate up with your sauces of choice & serve.

Notes + Variations:

We also make veggie ones of these using roasted sweet potatoes and feta, and they are definitely just as good, if not better than the prawn ones, so sub the prawns for roasted sweet potato and feta if you’re going veggie.


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