Think a chocolate shell, but peanut butter. Oh, and it’s oats. Make breakfast fun. I dare you.


1/2 cup - 3/4 cup oats
Double the liquid to oats (I used a mix of milk and water)
2 tbsp vanilla protein powder (can use syrup to taste instead)
2 tbsp strawberry or raspberry yogurt
1 tsp jam (I used raspberry)

1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp coconut oil/ cocoa butter


  1. To a microwave safe bowl, add your oats and liquid, then microwave at 600W for 2-3 minutes, or until desired consistency.

  2. Set aside to thicken, and when cooled slightly, stir through your vanilla protein powder

  3. Add to a glass, or thin bowl that you’re serving in (if its a bowl, you dont want the area to be too large, because you’ll need to pour the peanut butter shell over to cover it.

  4. Add 2 tbsp raspberry or strawberry yogurt to the centre of your oats, then add 1 tsp jam to the centre of that

  5. Melt your peanut butter and coconut oil/ cocoa butter in a small bowl - min took about 2 mins in the microwave.

  6. Pour the peanut butter mix evenly over the surface, then refrigerate overnight.

  7. Top with a pinch of Maldon salt and serve.

Notes + Variations:

Use whichever jam you like - I always use my homemade raspberry chia seed jam, but you can use any.


My new favourite blueberry smoothie


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