Nduja Gnocchi
This was seriously good, and I can really understand the ‘Nduja hype. I used vegan ‘Nduja for this, and it tastes exactly the same, so this is easily vegan if you sub things out. Check out my favourite vegan alternatives here.
P.S. You can eat this cold too - it’s so so so good the day after.
Recipe, makes enough for 2, with sides;
1 tbsp ‘nduja
1/2 block silken tofu
Juice 1/2 lemon
2 tbsp white vinegar/ apple cider vinegar
Sprinkle garlic powder
Sprinkle oregano/ other pasta seasoning
Splash milk
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp honey/ other syrup
Splash red wine (optional - can sub for balsamic)
2 tbsp parmesan
2 servings gnocchi
Grated parmesan to top
Add all your sauce ingredients to a blender, apart from the butter, honey parmesan and red wine.
To a frying pan, add your butter on medium heat and allow to melt
Add your ‘nduja sauce to the butter and simmer. Allow the sauce to bubble, adding a splash of hot water and red wine.
Once your sauce is hot, boil your gnocchi in salted water - mine took 3 mins.
Drain your gnocchi, then add to your sauce.
Stir through your parmesan, and your honey/ syrup, then serve, topping with more ‘nduja and parmesan.
This is best served when it’s not piping hot, so I’d recommend letting it sit for around 5-10 mins.
Notes + Variations:
You can change the pasta shape up as you like, but whatever you do - keep any leftover for the day after - it’s actually amazing cold.