Prep time 10 mins
Cook time 5 mins

Nush asked me to make Ramen with their vegan cream cheese, and luckily, I had just been out for ramen, and tried a Cheese and Kimchi one, so I was feeling INSPIRED.
I’ll be back making the kimchi & cheese one real soon, because it was an actual joke how good it was.
This one was insane too, and you can change up the protein if you want, but I would genuinely stick with tofu if I had the choice.
btw - if you ‘don’t like’ tofu, you’ve not had it in a way you like yet, so try this, and see what you think.

MY recipe, makes 1 bowl;

1 tbsp miso
1 tbsp vegan cream cheese/ normal
1 tbsp chilli oil of choice
Ramen spice packet

1 tsp veggie broth
750ml water

4 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp kitcap manis
1 tbsp mirin
1 tbsp vinegar
Salt and pepper
1/2 block firm tofu, finely sliced

Sliced mixed mushrooms
Greens of choice
Sliced lime
Mini nori sheets
Spring onions
Ramen noodles


  1. Mix all the marinade ingredients in a large bowl, then slice your tofu block in half, slicing in half again, then into thin slices.

  2. Add the tofu to the bowl, leaving to marinade whilst you make the rest, or for longer.

  3. When you’re ready to serve, steam your greens of choice, and begin to boil a pan of water.

  4. Add 1 tbsp of sesame oil to a frying pan, leaving on medium heat to heat up.

  5. Slice your mushrooms, then add to the oil and fry until they have started to crisp up slightly - once they have, add 4 tbsp of the marinade from your tofu, allowing them to brown and crisp up.

  6. In your serving bowl, whisk together your miso and vegan cream cheese, then adding your ramen spice packet and chilli oil.

  7. Make your broth in a jug with a stock cube, then slowly add this, whilst whisking, to the cream cheese & miso mixture.

  8. Add your ramen noodles to the pan of boiling water, allowing to cook for a few minutes in the meantime.

  9. Remove your mushrooms from the pan, then add 1 tbsp more of sesame oil. Add your tofu, piece by piece, leaving the marinade in the bowl.

  10. Once the tofu is browned on both sides, add your marinade, leaving on medium heat, allowing it to evaporate and caramelise.

  11. When your noodles are cooked, add them to the broth, then top with your steamed greens, mushrooms and tofu, then chop some spring onions to top, slice your lime and add a nori sheet.

Notes + Variations:

Literally switch out everything here as you like - you could use pre-cooked meat, marinated meat, or marinate it yourself. You could also use fish, or even some mushrooms instead - switch out the veg as you like too.


Waffles with homemade maple butter


Vegan sticky toffee pudding